She's a naturopath and herbalist.
She believes in the importance of 'food as medicine' and feels that dietary changes are as important as any prescription given by any medical practitioner (AMEN!)
She loves to enjoy nature and loves walking the dogs with her partner.
Q&A's : Magda Pisczczuk and Annie Lau
A: How did you get into doing what you're doing now?
M: I have wanted to be a Naturopath since I was about 15! I have always had an interest in nutrition and natural medicine. Witnessing some family members get sick and helped so dramatically by naturopaths is what really got me into it.
A: Do you see yourself doing this for a long time? Or which direction do you want to be heading?
M: I have been practising full-time since graduating, and although I love what I do, I have changed my direction slightly. I also work part-time at the College I graduated from in Melbourne. Working with students is extremely rewarding and it is exciting to see others as passionate about health as myself.
A: I love that you have this passion for health and can share it daily as part of your purpose! What's coming up for you? Anything you have been super excited about?
M: My new business venture.....but this is 'hush hush' right now
A: Can't wait to hear all about the business venture. What's your go-to for keeping you healthy?
M: Honestly, it would be my dogs! They keep me very active and happy. I think balance is the key to health. A balance with your work/life and also with your diet. No one is perfect, and I think it is healthier that way :)
A: Totally agree. Pets give so much more in not just physical, but emotional wellbeing too :). Are you a morning or evening person?
M: Morning. My brain starts shutting down around 6pm, and thats when I need to be cuddled up with my dogs on the couch. I much prefer working and exercising as soon as I get up.
A: Nothing beats that morning sun! So what is your beauty /skincare regime like?
M: Pretty basic to be honest. I only use natural/toxin free beauty products, and we are so lucky to have so many fantastic brands available to us now. I cleanse, moisturise and use a serum daily. I cannot live without mascara ;)
A: What's your fave skincare/makeup item?
M: At the moment I would have to say my Gemma Vendetta BB cream, Ere Perez almond mascara and Zen Botanics body butter.
A: The Gemma Vandetta BB cream looks amazing. At the moment I'm trying to find BB creams that suit yellow-toned asian skin so hopefully i can find one I can use religiously soon. As a someone who works on your passion daily, I'm curious - how do you unwind when times get tough?
M: No surprise here...hang with my dogs! Honestly getting out into nature and walking my dogs with my partner is my favourite thing.
A: Now for sharing your favourites (I'm a big lover of finding new obsessions), are there any labels/brands (could be in fashion, beauty, anything) you are loving at the moment and why?
M: I am not one to follow labels I am afraid. I am a little obsessed with Tom & Luke snack balls at the moment..
A: What's the last movie you watched or book you've read?
M: Unfortunately I am not a reader. There are no movies I have seen recently, but I do love Netflix! There are some incredible Netflix original series out there that are worth a watch. I just finished the new season of Orange is the new Black, loved it!
A: What's your ultimate favorite food/cuisine?
M: Japanese! I wish I could eat it every day
A: Oh yes... i could go back to Japan for ramen again and again. Are you a winter or summer person?
M: Summer all the way! If the sun is shining I am the best version of myself. I do struggle to keep motivated in the colder months.
A: Lastly, finishing off with gratitude - what are you grateful for through your journey to where you are at now?
M: I am so very grateful for my partner, he is the most supportive person in the world. I also think I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for my own health journey. As tough as it has been at times, it has made me the practitioner I am today.

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