My dear boy recently reached his one year old milestone and I've realised I had forgotten completely to do a pregnancy survival guide because I wish someone had told me all these things when I was pregnant!
1. Rooibos tea
This has been a godsend being a fantastic caffeine-free tea that is known to be really safe and good for pregnancy due to its antioxidants and power-packed minerals. It has a slightly sweet and light taste which I think will be very friendly to most tastebuds. Instead of my usual coffee (though there are days i just crave one!), this is a fabulous replacement. Just add milk (up that calcium ladies!), a little rice malt syrup and a good book for some zen mama-to-be-time.
You can find rooibos tea easily at your local Woolworths or Coles supermarket easily :)
2. Maternity pillow
Pregnant women are usually told to sleep on their sides to help promote easy blood circulation. However, due to the growing size of the belly, many women find this position uncomfortable. If a pregnancy pillow is used, you will definitely find the comfort you need because of the softness and the proper cushioning.
A pregnancy pillow will support the areas of your body like your hips, leg and back. It often helps alleviate stress and pain you would have otherwise experienced using several regular pillows. Because of this, you will be able to get the amount of rest that your body needs, helping you to be healthier and prepared for the birth of your baby.
3. Organic Sweet Almond Oil
I have gone through bottles of this liquid gold as it does wonders for my itchy belly and have turned flaky dry skin on my legs to super smooth (YAY!). Pure almond oil is safe for all trimesters of the pregnancy to aid in stretch mark and dry skin prevention.
The best time to apply is right after a shower and i have absolutely zero guilt in slathering my skin with pure botanical oils - I mix sweet almond with a bit of rosehip and camellia seed oils for an extra boost.
4. Magnesium Salt
So pregnancy means more leg cramps - it happens any time of the day and i still remain traumatised from the cramp I experienced a few nights ago.
What can help? Magnesium has been found to help with leg cramps and soaking in a bath with magnesium salt flakes has been shown to markedly improve skin hydration, speed wound healing, enhance skin barrier function, and decrease inflammation. The skin is also able to excrete toxins and waste products via bathing, which lightens the load on the kidney and liver.
I love applying the Amazing Oils Magnesium Oil Spray right on my calves and legs after a shower and have found it helps me to sleep better.
Definitely love this stuff for versatility
5. Cosmetic Extras - ECOTAN, Desert Shadow Organic Hair Dye and LifeBasics natural nail polish
So you've got the special occasion to go to and you're pale as? Lucky for Ecotan - it's all natural and doesn't have all the nasty chemicals in typical tanning lotions and most importantly, actually works! I've got olive yellow based skin and this tanning lotion doesn't make me look orange so it's a winner in my books.
As for dying hair, Desert Shadow is one of the few actual hair dye brands that are all natural and made from 100% certified organic botanical ingredients. Their plants are also tested for heavy metals with each new crop and no chemical ingredients are added to their colours EVER.
We all know the chemicals that come in nail polish, so LifeBasics natural nail polish are great - they apply well, dry quickly and the colours look amazing on each sweep so I really recommend them (my favourites are What a steel and I like to mauve it, mauve it)
7. Coconut water
Staying hydrated for you and bubba are key!
9. Compression Stockings
Compression stockings help provide relief from swelling, heaviness and tension in legs and feet so these will come in handy in your last trimester - most handy when flying too! They were a lifesaver on my flight to Hawaii when i was 26 weeks pregnant.